Dark Emerald Blue-Green B.C."Ogden Mt.",Polished, Jade, Jewelry, Slab, Lapidary
$ 23.76
- Description
- Size Guide
Dark Emerald Blue-Green B.C.“
Ogden Mt.
Nephrite Jade
Weight : (2.62 oz.)
Size : (2 11/16
x 2 1/4
x 6.0 mm.) see photos
Measurements taken from maximum point
All natural, 100% Earth mined, No dye No heat.
Very unique jade with Dark Emerald-Blue Green with Flake’s of Chrome.
It has been pre-sanded and pre-polished to show nice color and grain.
This piece good for all general lapidary work or keep as is polished.
A nice piece for a good price!
(Item # J-464)
Jade is famous for Grounding during Meditation and has been known for Good Luck and Healing Energy